Here's what we KNOW as facts:
* Michael Brown was a thug, a bully, and a thief. The video of him in the store shortly before the shooting is proof enough of his mood and actions that day.
* Officer Darren Wilson has NO history of racism or excessive violence. He was visibly distraught immediately after the shooting, as seen in the videos.
The public has every right to demand that the shooting be thoroughly investigated, but has NO right to demand any particular outcome, much less a specific verdict. To indict the officer, much less actually try him, just to appease the crowds is just plain wrong. Justice should take its course just as if there were no public outcry. This is not a country of mob rule (yet). I say let the chips fall where they may, but don't preordain the outcome.
Personally, I find the officer's account of how an insolent young thug hit him and tried to get his gun and then charged at him much more believable than a cop simply deciding to execute an innocent pedestrian just for fun. The story of Brown kneeling in the street with his hands up yelling "Don't shoot" smells like pure bullcrap.
Shields are up. Flame away. Nobody ever accused me of being politically correct.